Sunday, September 07, 2008

Normal Bedfellows: Lupe Todd, Ed Towns and Bruce Ratner

Lupe Todd is Ed Towns' campaign spokeswoman. Ring a bell?

Lupe Todd was Bruce Ratner's Atlantic Yards flack. Here she is defending Ratner's sweetheart deal with the MTA back in 2005. She eventually left the Ratner team, then signed on as Newark Mayor Cory Booker's spokeswoman only to be fired in her first year. (We don't know why.)

Returning to Brooklyn she switched from the corporate side of Brooklyn's entrenched political machine, to the political side of Towns' machine campaign.

Today, The Brooklyn Paper reports that upon 10th congressional district challenger Kevin Powell's release of a detailed 58-page policy guide ("A New Way for the 21st Century"), Lupe Todd came out swinging for her candidate Towns:
...But plans aren’t worth much if they aren’t put to action, said Towns spokeswoman Lupe Todd, who considered Powell’s policy guide naïve...

Todd should know about action: her candidate Towns has spent 25 inactive years on Congress. But that is the special skill of a flack who can work for Bruce Ratner and Ed Towns: defending the machine, defending indefensible track records.

Primary day is September 9th. Come out and vote for Powell. It's high time for new blood in the 10th congressional district.


At 8:51 AM, Blogger DemPartysupporter said...

Why are we focused on Lupe Todd as campaign manager? We need to get back to the Real Issue of what's best for Brooklyn. Do we honestly think Powell is what's best? I would have to DISAGREE. There is no visilbe or stated facts about what Powell has done for his district. Although we may not agree on the Atlanic Yards issue,Towns and Mosley definitly have done a great deal to impliment change in Brooklyn and in politics in general. Walter Mosley and his mother, Marylyn, have always been active in politics and the community, as they are founders of their well known Political Club "PAPA". My vote will unquestionably be cast for TOWNS/MOSLEY Power Houses on Sept 9th!

At 9:07 AM, Blogger DemPartysupporter said...

By the way, Powell a rap song writer, are you kidding me? Is this who we want to elect into political office? I can't imagine electing this person , who is known for domestic violence against his girlfriends and a college drop-out, into office soley on the basis of him not supporting the Atlantic Yards.


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